Monday, February 20, 2006

Braeden and his first taste of ice cream

I had to show these of Braeden eating ice cream for the first time. It was hilarious, he saw us laughing and then he started laughing. I didnt get any of the funny faces that he was making but the smiles say it all.

Braedens nine month checkup

Braeden went to the doctor today and we wanted to let you all know how he is doing. He weighs 23 pounds and is 29inches tall. The doctor said he is doing very well. We of course already knew this:) Braeden also now has 3 teeth and is working on the 4th. He seems to have made friends with one of my glue sticks. He doesnt want to be anywhere without it...... Kinda funny:) The ridges on the lid I think help the teeth come thru. Also we had some ice cream last night and I gave him some, and lets just say he is my son.... He loved it:) Mommy is sooo proud of her little boy, keep up the good work Chubsy!!!